Research & Development
We take research and development very seriously. Across our facilities in both the U.S. and Taiwan we work with dedicated teams of scientists who tirelessly study the beneficial properties of our mushrooms and our other adoptogens.
Research & Development
We take research and development very seriously. Across our facilities in both the U.S. and Taiwan we work with dedicated teams of scientists who tirelessly study the beneficial properties of our mushrooms and our other adoptogens.
Research & Development
We take research and development very seriously. Across our facilities in both the U.S. and Taiwan we work with dedicated teams of scientists who tirelessly study the beneficial properties of our mushrooms and our other adoptogens.
Research & Development
We take research and development very seriously. Across our facilities in both the U.S. and Taiwan we work with dedicated teams of scientists who tirelessly study the beneficial properties of our mushrooms and our other adoptogens.
Research & Development
We take research and development very seriously. Across our facilities in both the U.S. and Taiwan we work with dedicated teams of scientists who tirelessly study the beneficial properties of our mushrooms and our other adoptogens.
Our Group Philosophy
As sentient beings, we are here to evolve—to evolve openly and creatively as all beings must. This is our ultimate destiny as a species. Instead, we are tied down by mundane material ends that surround all aspects of our daily existence. We are bogged down by acute needs that stem from shortages and crises in housing, energy, foods, and water, and from imbalances associated with education, health, and the environment. With all our technological advances, we have not been able to alleviate the human condition of misery that we witness in most parts of the world. Meeting material needs alone has become an obsession, consuming all our energies, resources, and talents. As a result of this relentless and unsustainable material pursuit, not only is the environment around us deteriorating at an alarming rate, but we have also become slaves of a man-made process that can only bring about even more stress and unhappiness.
The Primordia Group therefore seeks to restore balance and sanity to our planet by focusing on sustainable development and technologies that can alleviate various material shortages and challenges. We actively collaborate with scientists and well-doers worldwide who contribute through the discovery and implementation of practical solutions. The scope of our work covers areas like foods, water, housing, energy, health, education, and the environment. Since these areas are closely intertwined, each area cannot be fully addressed without our attempting to address all other areas. We hope that the resolution of these shortages will not only enable us to release our attention from our daily concerns, but it will also teach us to partake in the improvement of the human condition rooted in sustainability and harmony.
The Primordia Group was created to foster an ideal that we have all shared since the beginning of time. Every one of us wishes to see the Earth as a better place, endowed with an abundance of material resources and harmony, equality, hope, and health. This ideal extends to all facets of our lives. Many of our current material needs are tied up in the production and consumption of wasteful resources that often create imbalances in nature as well as in our lives. The accumulated disease plaguing not only our society but our environment as well has reached an all time historical high, and if it is not curtailed and corrected, it will certainly bring our civilization to the brink of destruction.
The Primordia Group therefore seeks to develop a core group of key technologies that will assist in resolving some of the more immediate material needs by means of processes and manufacturing capabilities that have been known to our ancestral forefathers for thousands of years but that have been long forgotten by more recent generations. Our Group seeks to combine this primordial knowledge with the latest breakthrough advances in sciences and technology. As such, we will always seek holistic solutions that can completely integrate our needs with our resources so that a creative and harmonious balance can be sustained.
Specifically, the Primordia Group will focus on six main areas. These areas include health, housing, education, green materials, energy, and the environment. In each one of these areas, a key group of core technologies will be taken to fruition that will result in a radical remaking of our current paradigm of thinking and way of living. Products will be derived in each area that will impact millions upon millions of individuals. Material resources will suddenly become readily affordable and available worldwide. Our products will enrich our lives, both physically and spiritually, and will help clean up the environment. Because these products, representing various kinds of basic material resources, have suddenly become affordable to the masses, they will no longer conserve as much time and energy as they did in the past. Since we will no longer need to toil for most of our lives simply to meet basic material needs, we will hopefully be in a position to evolve creatively and freely and to attend to even higher spiritual pursuits, which we are collectively destined to fulfill. Primordia’s technologies are therefore uniquely positioned to set forth a radical re-evolution of mankind.